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Memorias en Extenso

  • Pattern recognition system to localize reflectors in seismic images

Selene Solorza-Calderón, Antonio González-Fernández, Mario González-Escobar

Proc. of X Iberoamerican Optics Meeting/XIII Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications/Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 2019, 182-183

  • Classification of cancer and pre-cancer skin images using 1D texture signatures

Edgar Omar Molina-Molina, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of X Iberoamerican Optics Meeting/XIII Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications/Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 2019, 188-189

  • Image correlation by one-dimensional signatures invariant to rotation, position, and scale using radial Hilbert transform optimized

Alfredo Castro-Valdéz, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza-Calderón

Proc. of X Iberoamerican Optics Meeting/XIII Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications/Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 2019, 154-155

  • Fractional Fourier-radial transform for digital image recognition

Luis Felipe López-Ávila, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza-Calderón

Proc. of X Iberoamerican Optics Meeting/XIII Latinamerican Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications/Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 2019, 159-160

  • Sistema digital para la detección de BSR en imágenes de sísmica de reflexión

Perla Karina Barba-Rojo, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Antonio González-Fernández

Memorias del Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Computacionales – Avances recientes en Ciencias Computacionales, 2016, 283-286

  • Pirámide de escalas utilizando transformada wavelet

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza-Calderón

Memorias del Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Computacionales – Avances recientes en Ciencias Computacionales, 2016, 287-290

  • Rotation, Scale and Translation Invariant Pattern Recognition System for Color Images

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

AIP Conf. Prof. of International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2016, 040003-1 -- 040003-4

  • Pattern recognition of laminated sediments methodology 

Perla Karina Barba-Rojo, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Antonio González-Fernández

AIP Conf. Prof. of International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2016, 040004-1 -- 040004-4

  • Digital image pattern recognition system using normalized Fourier transform and normalized analytical Fourier-Mellin transform

Rodrigo Vélez-Rábago, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Adina Jordan-Aramburo​

AIP Conf. Prof. of International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2016, 040002-1 -- 040002-4

  • Sistema de reconocimiento de patrones invariante a rotación, Traslación y escala

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza-Calderón

II Simposio de Posgrado del Programa MyDCI, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California. Perspectivas Científico Tecnológicas Para el Desarrollo y la Innovación en Nuestro Entorno, 2015, 142-146

  • A digital image pattern recognition invariant to rotation, scale and translation for color images

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of Mexican Optics and Photonics Meeting, 2015, 1-8

  • A position, rotation and scale invariant image descriptor based on rays and circular paths

Selene Solorza-Calderón

Proc. of SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVIII, 2015, 9599, 95991V-1 -- 95991V-9

  • Pattern recognition digital systems using the Z-Fisher transform

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza-Calderón, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of SPIE Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXVIII, 2015, 9599, 959901-1 -- 959901-9

  • Image analysis using one binary ring mask invariant to rotation and scale

Alfredo Solís-Ventura, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza

Latin American Optics and Photonics Conference, OSA Technical Digest, 2014, LF1D.4

  • The classification of objects by the Fourier mask digital system

Carolina Barajas-García, Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Memorias del 7mo. Congreso Internacional en Ciencias Computacionales, 2014, 203-210

  • Digital system to classify images by Bessel masks

Selene Solorza, Carolina Barajas-García, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of SPIE, 23rd Congress of the International Commission for Optics, 2014, 1-4

  • Fossil diatom fragments analysis using one binary ring mask invariant to rotation and scale

Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Alfredo Solís-Ventura, Selene Solorza

Proc. of SPIE, 23rd Congress of the International Commission for Optics, 2014, 1-4

  • Digital image classification by the Bessel masks methodology

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

AIP Conf. Prof. of International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2014, 1618, 159-162

  • Sistemas digitales mediante máscaras Bessel​

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Memorias de la XXVI Reunión Anual de Óptica, 2013, 1-2

  • Correlación no lineal adaptativa para la identificación invariante de imágenes a partir de su transformada de escala 2D

Alfredo Solís-Ventura, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza

Memorias de la XXVI Reunión Anual de Óptica, 2013, 1-2

  • The digital pattern recognition system by Fourier masks​

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of Mexican Optics and Photonics Meetings, 2013, P6-1 -- P6-3

  • Adaptive methodology invariant to rotation and scale based on the separable 2D-scale transform and nonlinear correlation​

Alfredo Solís-Ventura, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza

Proc. of Mexican Optics and Photonics Meetings, 2013, P12-1 -- P12-3

  • Illumination analysis of the digital pattern recognition system by Bessel masks and one-dimensional signatures​

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of SPIE, 8th Iberoamerican Optics Meeting and 11th Latin American Meeting on Optics, 2013,  8785, 878573-1 -- 878573-7

  • Pattern recognition in digital images by binary concentric rings optimal masks

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of Mexican Optics and Photonics Meetings, 2012, 34-35

  • Invariant correlation using a binary mask applied to binary and gray images​

Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza, Mario Alonso Bueno-Ibarra

 Proc. of Mexican Optics and Photonics Meetings, 2012, 108-109

  • Digital system of invariant correlation to position and scale using adaptive ring masks and unidimensional signatures

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego

Proc. of SPIE, 22nd Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Light for the Development of the World, 2011, 8011, 801172-1 – 801172-6

  • Invariant correlation to position, rotation and scale using one-dimensional composite filters

Gildardo Chaparro-Magallanez, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Selene Solorza

Proc. of SPIE, 22nd Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Light for the Development of the World, 2011, 8011, 801171-1 – 801171-8

  • System of invariant correlation to rotation using a ring mask

Selene Solorza, Josué Álvarez-Borrego, Vitaly Kober

Proc. of SPIE Application of Digital Image Processing XXXI, 2008, 7073, 707325-1 -- 707325-10

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